Learn CPR In 15 Minutes
Munslow, Craven Arms, ShropshireArticle by: Heather Coonick Clerk and Responsible Finance OfficerThe British Heart Foundation have produced online training in CPR. To connect to the training click Munslow Parish Council
Posted: 21 Nov 24
Exercise of Public Rights
The notice of the Exercise of Public rights is now available on the Accounts and Governance section of this website. To view it click here
New Councillors Needed for Munslow Parish Council
If you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor there are now two vacancies on Munslow Parish Council. Please contact the Clerk to fi...
Annual Parish Meeting
Everyone is welcome to come to the Munslow Annual Parish Meeting.
Vacancy for Councillor
There are two vacancies for Councillors for Munslow Parish Council. Please see both Notices below: NOTICE UNDER LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1972...
Vacancy for Councillor
There are vacancies for two councillors. Please read both news items. NOTICE UNDER LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1972 (Section 87(2)) VACANCY...
Keep Shropshire Warm
If you are not on mains gas this may be of interest to you.
Police and Crime Commissioner Election
Police and Crime Commissioner Election
Munslow Parish Council Precept
When you receive your Council Tax bill each Spring you will notice a section entitled ‘Munslow Parish Council’. It will indicate...
Winter Support Service
Shropshire Council Winter Support Service
Remembrance Service
A short service and wreath laying will be held at 11am on Saturday 11th November at the War Memorial in Munslow. Everyone is welcome.
Brown Clee Medical Practice Updates
Brown Clee Medical Practice Roadshow
Notice of Public Rights
The Notice of Public Rights and Publication of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return has been published. Please find it on the Ac...
Another Councillor is Needed
Defibrillator Training
Defibrillator Training
Defibrillator for Munslow
Munslow Parish Council are delighted to report that a defibrillator has been installed in Munslow Square, it is attached to the entrance to ...
Superfast Broadband
A group of residents in the Rowe Lane area are looking at how to improve their broadband reception. If you are interested in joining them p...
Brown Clee Patient Group
Extraoridnary Meeting Cancelled
The Extraordianry Parish Council Meeting on the 23rd March 2023 has been cancelled. The next Parish Council meeting will be on the 6th April...
Proclamation given at St James's Palace
Munslow Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm 9th June
The Parish Council will meet at 7.30pm on Thursday 9th June 2022 at Beambridge Club Room (Beambridge Village Hall). Members of the public ar...
Munslow Annual Parish Meeting
Everyone Welcome